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How to Install Anaconda (Python & R) on Ubuntu

We like Python. Anaconda is a popular distribution of Python and the R programming languages, which includes package management and deployment tools, with hundreds of packages pre-installed.

Anaconda is aimed at data scientists and people working with machine learning, but it’s useful for anyone. It has a quick and easy install process for Ubuntu, so here’s how to get up and running!

Download the Anaconda installer

Anaconda has various additions, and we want the Open Source (free!) individual edition, available from:


Scroll down and download the 64-Bit (x86) Installer into its own directory, or use the shell commands below:

mkdir ~/anaconda-installer
cd ~/anaconda-installer
wget  https://repo.anaconda.com/archive/Anaconda3-2020.11-Linux-x86_64.sh

The download may take a few minutes.

Run the Anaconda Installer

Now that the installer has downloaded, run it:

sh  Anaconda3-2020.11-Linux-x86_64.sh

install anaconda ubuntu 1

Press ENTER to read the license agreement (keep tapping enter to keep scrolling through it) and type ‘yes’ when prompted to accept and continue.

install anaconda ubuntu 2

Press ENTER to accept the default install directory (or change it first if you’d prefer it be installed somewhere else).

install anaconda ubuntu 3

When asked whether to run conda init, enter ‘yes.’

This will update your


file to make the conda command accessible on your PATH (this means Anaconda commands will be available in your shell no matter which folder you’re currently navigating).

For these changes to take effect – close and reopen your terminal, reboot, or run:

. ~/.bashrc

You can now delete the directory we downloaded the installation files to;

rm -rf ~/anaconda-installer

Checking the Installation

To check everything is installed and accessible, run:

conda --help

If everything is working, you should see some helpful text.

If You’re on a System with a GUI

If you are using a GUI (i.e., a computer with a desktop interface, rather than running on a server or accessing a computer remotely via SSH), you can try out the Anaconda Navigator – a graphical tool for managing Anaconda.

Simply run:


…in your terminal.

install anaconda ubuntu 4

Updating Anaconda

To update all of your Anaconda packages, run:

conda update --all

… and press Y to accept the changes.

install anaconda ubuntu 6

Completely Uninstalling Anaconda

To completely uninstall Anaconda, first install the anaconda-clean package for Anaconda to aid in the cleanup of all Anaconda files and configuration:

conda install anaconda-clean

To delete all files and directories created by Anaconda, without being prompted to confirm each file deletion, run:

anaconda-clean --yes

anaconda-clean will remove all files at their current locations and leave a backup copy of them in the directory ~/.anaconda_backup.

This backup directory, and the directory containing the Anaconda program files, can now be removed:

rm -rf ~/anaconda3 ~/.anaconda_backup

Note: This process will not delete the AnacondaProjects directory.

During the setup process, conda init will have made some changes to your ~/.bashrc file, which can be undone by removing the lines from that file manually using the nano text editor:

nano ~/.bashrc

Delete the Anaconda lines highlighted below:

install anaconda ubuntu 7

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I'm Brad, and I'm nearing 20 years of experience with Linux. I've worked in just about every IT role there is before taking the leap into software development. Currently, I'm building desktop and web-based solutions with NodeJS and PHP hosted on Linux infrastructure. Visit my blog or find me on Twitter to see what I'm up to.

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