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How to Quickly Check your Ubuntu Version [Easy]

Check your Ubuntu Version

It’s important to stay up to date – both for security and compatibility reasons and because it’s always nice to have the latest features in your Linux Operating System. To find out which Linux distribution, and version of that distribution you’re using, use one of the below methods on both the server and desktop versions of Ubuntu based systems: Getting Your Ubuntu Version by reading from the /etc/issue file Type the following into your terminal to read the contents of the file /etc/issue into your terminal: cat /etc/issue You’ll get … Read more

Bash For Loop [With Examples]

Bash For Loop

The for loop is a handy tool when writing Bash scripts for repeating a task for a number of files, records, or other values. The for statement will iterate over a list of values, performing tasks on each one until all items have been processed. Usage cases include looping over the files in a directory, the lines in a text file, or the output of a database query. Bash For Loop Syntax for VARIABLE in LIST do COMMANDS done Where: VARIABLE is the variable name that will … Read more

How to Build a Smart Magic Mirror Using a Raspberry Pi Zero [Tutorial]

Build a Smart Mirror

Ever wanted to see check the weather is in Tripoli and read randomized Seinfeld quotes while you’re doing your hair in the morning? Smart mirrors are the DIY project to make that happen. This easy-to-follow tutorial covers how to build a small magic mirror using a Raspberry Pi Zero and a few other bits and pieces. Smart mirrors (also sometimes known as “magic mirrors”) can display live information right in the reflection on a mirror – it looks cool and is actually kind of useful. You can … Read more

Linux wget Command Guide [With Examples]

Linux wget Command

If you followed our Magic Mirror tutorial, you’d see the wget command was used to download some files. This tutorial explains how to use wget, a command-line tool for downloading (getting) files from the web, be it via HTTP, HTTPS, FTP, or FTPS. Use it to download files from the internet from the Linux shell, call it from Bash scripts – it’s simple and versatile and doesn’t require user interference once started so that it can run in the background. Syntax wget [OPTIONS]… [ URLS ]… … Read more

RAID 0, RAID 1, RAID 5 & RAID 10 Explained [With Images]

RAID 0, RAID 1, RAID 5 & RAID 10 Explained

This tutorial explores the popular raid levels, RAID 0, RAID 1, RAID 5 & RAID 10, with diagrams and explanations. What is RAID? RAID – Redundant Array of Inexpensive (or Independent) Disks is a data storage solution that works by combining multiple disks connected to a computer into a single storage unit. Data is spread across the disks in different ways depending on whether data integrity, access speed, or both are priorities. RAID can be implemented in software or hardware, and the Linux Operating systems support … Read more

What Is a 500 Internal Server Error and How to Fix It?

500 Internal Server Error

This guide explores the 500 internal server error code, an HTTP error, and how to fix it. HTTP Errors and Error Codes Whenever a web page is loaded, a request is made to an HTTP server (Most web servers run Linux, by the way), and part of the response is a numeric status code that tells your web browser what kind of response it is. This allows the browser to handle the contents of the response correctly. Some example responses are: Status Code Meaning 200 … Read more

Debian vs Ubuntu Linux [Easy to Digest Comparison]

Debian vs Ubuntu

We know that Ubuntu Linux is based on the Debian Linux distribution and that because of that, they are similar in many ways – but which one should you use? As usual, it depends on your own preference and skill level. On the Desktop and the Server [Comparison] Here is a side-by-side look at each distribution, comparing some of the differences that will matter most to the user. Debian Ubuntu Stable, but without the latest features Based on the Debian testing branch, newer features A solid base operating system … Read more

How to Use the Dig Command [With Examples]

How to Use the Dig Command

dig is the Linux command-line tool used to look up the DNS records for a host. This tutorial explains how to use this command and includes handy examples. DNS records provide information to your computer about a host’s IP address on a network, email configuration, or other text data that can be associated with the host. DNS records provide the street directory for the internet. When you access a website, your computer looks up the DNS record associated with the website’s domain to get the IP … Read more

apt vs apt-get Commands – What’s the Difference?

apt vs apt get Commands

This guide explains the differences between apt and apt-get commands, so you can decide which one to use. Historically, you’ve probably installed software on Debian based Linux Operating Systems (like Ubuntu) using the apt-get command. More recently you’ve probably seen the apt command being used in its place in various places online, but with otherwise much the same syntax. For example: sudo apt-get install nano has the same effect as sudo apt install nano which is to install the nano text editor package on your system. So … Read more

How to List Containers in Docker (ls Command)

List Containers in Docker

Docker is a virtualization platform that runs on Linux. It allows you to manage and run virtual machines in containers from pre-built images that contain all of the configurations for the virtualized environment. This tutorial will show you how to list containers using the ls command, part of the new docker command structure. The ls command replaces the old ps command. The ps command will still work, but you should phase out using it. Syntax docker container ls [options] Docker versions older than 1.13 use the old ps command: docker ps [options] Options Both ls and ps accept the same command options: … Read more