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How to Convert a USB Printer to Wireless with a Raspberry Pi
How to Use a Raspberry Pi for Digital Signage
The Worst Things You’ll Probably Google As a Programmer on Linux
How to Build a Raspberry Pi Internet Kiosk
Browsing the Internet on a 1989 Macintosh II with a Web Rendering Proxy
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PostgreSQL: Schemas and the CREATE SCHEMA Statement [Examples]

How to Use PostgreSQL Schemas and the CREATE SCHEMA Statement, with Examples

This article will explain what PostgreSQL schemas are, and show you how to use them using the CREATE SCHEMA statement, as well as showing some example code. What is a Schema in PostgreSQL? In PostgreSQL, a schema is an entity within a database that holds other database objects such as tables, views, and sequences. They are an organizational unit that is used to group objects together and can also be used to manage permissions for them collectively. How to Create a PostgreSQL Schema using CREATE SCHEMA The CREATE … Read more

How to Create a Table in PostgreSQL, With Example

How to Create a Table in PostgreSQL, With Example

This tutorial will show you how to create a table in a PostgreSQL database using the CREATE TABLE statement, and provide a code example. In relational databases, tables hold all of the data stored in the database, so creating them is a fundamental task that you will need to perform regularly. If you are using databases already created by other software, understanding how tables are created is still useful for troubleshooting and understanding how your systems behave. The PostgreSQL CREATE TABLE Statement The CREATE TABLE statement is … Read more

PostgreSQL: Create A Database and User With Permissions

Guide: How to Create Users and Databases and Grant Permissions in PostgreSQL

This short guide will show you how to create a database, and a user that can access it, in PostgreSQL. This is useful if you are installing an app that provides its own table structures and data during installation. Many applications support PostgreSQL, for example the popular frameworks Django, Drupal, and Ruby on Rails can all connect to PostgreSQL databases and store data in them. These apps and frameworks usually supply either their own pre-defined tables, or their own tools for building your own table structure, leaving your only … Read more

How to Install PostgreSQL on Linux (Ubuntu/Debian/Arch/Red Hat/Fedora)

How to Install PostgreSQL

This article will instruct you how to install the PostgreSQL database server on Linux – Red Hat/Fedora, Ubuntu, Debian, and Arch Linux. Installing PostgreSQL on Debian Linux Here’s now to install PostgreSQL on the Debian Linux distribution (and distributions based on it): From the Default apt Repository You can install PostgreSQL server straight by the apt software repository on Debian Linux by running: Note the use of the sudo command to run the package installation as the root (administrative) user. Installing More Recent Versions From the PostgreSQL apt … Read more

How to Convert a USB Printer to Wireless with a Raspberry Pi

Raspberry Pi Wireless Printer

This tutorial will show you how to turn a USB printer into a wireless, AirPrint enabled printer using a Raspberry Pi. The shared printer will be accessible from Windows, Mac and of course, Linux devices. Printers are one of the few bits of tech that haven’t really changed much in the last few decades. The only real change has been that they are increasingly locked down, they are expensive to re-fill, detecting generic cartridges and refusing to print unless an expensive name-brand cartridge is purchased. … Read more

PostgreSQL vs Oracle – What’s the Difference? Which Should I Use?

PostgreSQL vs Oracle

This article will explain the differences between PostgreSQL and Oracle Database, and help you to decide which you should use in your project (The answer is PostgreSQL). Choosing the right database for your application, whether it’s a webapp, mobile app, or desktop application is vital. Changing database backend mid-development could be a costly (in both your time or money) and frustrating experience. Trying to decide between other databases like MySQL, MariaDB, MongoDB, SQLite and MSSQL? Check out our other guide here. Oracle Database Oracle Database, otherwise … Read more

How to Use a Raspberry Pi for Digital Signage

Raspberry Pi Digital Signage

This tutorial will show you how to set up your Raspberry Pi with info-beamer and a TV to use as digital signage for your shop, office, school… or anywhere really. Digital signage is super useful. You may want to display advertisements in your shop window, timetables in your office, bulletins in school hallways – really, for anywhere you would hang a poster or noticeboard, a digital sign makes a cool replacement that is highly visible and can be easily updated. Lets get to it. Setting Up the … Read more

How to Share a Printer using AirPrint with a Raspberry Pi

Raspberry Pi AirPrint Server

This tutorial will show you how to share your USB printer with iPhones and iPads using AirPrint from a Raspberry Pi. AirPrint is Apple’s printer sharing technology and is required to print from iOS devices like iPhones and iPads, and can also be used to print from laptops and desktops running MacOS. AirPrint is usually only available as a baked-in feature for consumer printers or by sharing a printer that has been plugged into a mac. However, it’s possible to set up an AirPrint server … Read more

The Worst Things You’ll Probably Google As a Programmer on Linux

The Worst Things You'll Probably Google As a Programmer on Linux

Programming terminology isn’t always well thought out. Language changes, or the people building out languages don’t consider the full implications of what a function or program or program name may look like when taken out of context – especially when combined with other technical terms. This leads to some pretty awful sounding phrases that you’ll have to search up online when learning how to code, or reminding yourself of the syntax for a command. Here are the worst 25, summarized from this Reddit thread. The Worst … Read more

How to Declare Variables in PHP (Constants, Static, Global)

PHP Declare Variable

This article shows you how to declare variables in PHP, including constant, static, and global variables. Code examples are provided. What is a Variable? In computer programming, a variable stores a value, giving it a name that can be used to access it. Once a variable has been created and a value has been assigned to it, the value can be retrieved using the name given to the variable. The value of a variable can be updated (unless the variable has been declared as a constant), and the … Read more

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