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How to Convert a USB Printer to Wireless with a Raspberry Pi
How to Use a Raspberry Pi for Digital Signage
The Worst Things You’ll Probably Google As a Programmer on Linux
How to Build a Raspberry Pi Internet Kiosk
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How to Install OSMC Media Center on Raspberry Pi [Screenshots]

How to Install OSMC Media Center on Raspberry Pi

This step-by-step guide will walk you through installing the OSMC media center software on a Raspberry Pi.  Screenshots of the whole process are provided so that you can follow along! LibreELEC, OpenELEC or OSMC – What’s The Best? LibreELEC, OpenELEC and OSMC are the most popular media center solutions for the Raspberry Pi. I’ve chosen to use OSMC for my media center.  OSMC provides an easy and fast way to get Kodi up and running on a Raspberry Pi. OSMC provides Debian based Linux OS … Read more

How to Convert Array to String in JavaScript with toString() and join()

JavaScript Array to String

This brief tutorial will show you two ways to convert JavaScript arrays to strings using the toString() and join() methods. What Are Arrays? An array is a data structure which holds multiple values. It’s like a numbered list – each item in the array has a value and a position (called the index). The indexes start counting at position 0, so the first item in an array is at index 0, the second at index 1 and so on. Converting Arrays to Strings in JavaScript There are many reasons you may wish … Read more

Installing Pi-Hole Ad Blocker on a Raspberry Pi Zero

Installing Pi-Hole Ad Blocker on Raspberry Pi Zero

Ads are annoying and they slow down your internet browsing experience.  Here’s how to block them for your whole network using Pi-Hole and a Raspberry Pi Zero. No-one likes ads. Ads interrupt videos.  Ads crowd up web pages while you’re trying to read. Ads pop up at the worst moment. There are probably ads competing for your attention while you try to read this right now. Pi-Hole to the Rescue Pi-Hole is an ad blocking solution that blocks ads for your whole network – including … Read more

Array.shift() to Remove First Item from JavaScript Array [Examples]

JavaScript Array Shift

This short tutorial will show you how to use the JavaScript Array.shift() method to remove items from an array, and provide some code examples. JavaScript Arrays An array is a variable type which can hold zero or more values within it. Each value in an array has a position, called the index – which is an integer value representing the items position in it’s order of appearance. Indexes start counting at position 0 – so the first item in an array is at index 0, the second item at index 1, and so on. JavaScript … Read more

PHP vs Ruby – Which One should I Pick for my Project in 2022?

PHP vs Ruby

This article will explain what the PHP and Ruby programming languages are, what they’re best used for, and which one you should pick up in 2022. What is PHP? PHP: Hypertext Preprocessor. PHP a recursive initialism that contains its own name, just to make things confusing for you: P PHP H Hypertext P Preprocessor PHP is a processing language – it can search, calculate, and do things based on logical conditions. PHP usually outputs the information it has processed via HTTP – as a web page, … Read more

Categories PHP

The Python ‘os’ Library – What it is and How it’s Used

Python os Library

This article will give a short overview of the Python os (Operating System) module – and show some examples of how it is used. What is the Python ‘os’ Library/Module? The Python os library contains helpful tools and functions for interacting with the underlying Operating System being used to execute the running Python code. It can be used to query information about the system environment – including operating system, disk space, memory information, and which path Python is being executed from. The information available will differ depending on which operating system Python is … Read more

PHP vs Python: Which Should You Learn In 2022? What’s the Difference?

PHP vs Python

This article will explain what the PHP and Python programming languages are, where they’re best used, and which one is most useful in 2022. What is PHP? PHP: Hypertext Preprocessor. PHP a recursive initialism that contains its own name, just to make things confusing for you: P PHP H Hypertext P Preprocessor PHP is a processing language – it can search, calculate, and do things based on logical conditions. PHP usually outputs the information it has processed via HTTP – as a web page, or as formatted data to be … Read more

What is the best Operating System/OS to Use for Python Development?

Which Operating System is Best for Python

This website is called LinuxScrew.com so I’ll get the obvious out of the way: the best OS for Python development is Linux. Here’s why. Why Linux is the Best OS to Develop Python Apps? …because Linux is the preferred OS of many, many other developers. That may seem like a silly statement – however – consider that the developer writing the tutorial you are going to use to learn to write Python code will be using Linux, you want to be able to enter the same commands and use … Read more

Deleting Files in PHP with unlink() [Examples]

PHP Delete File with unlink()

This article will show you how to delete a single file or multiple files in PHP using the unlink() function, and provide code examples. Once you have file uploads working in PHP, you may want to allow your users to delete files they no longer wish to keep. Read on to find out how. There is no PHP Function called ‘Delete’ To clear up any confusion, unlink() is the function for deleting files in PHP. There is no built in PHP function called delete(). If you’re looking to delete a directory in PHP, … Read more

Categories PHP

How to Add Extra External USB Storage to an OpenWrt Device

OpenWRT add USB external storage

This tutorial will document steps you need to take to add USB storage to your OpenWrt router. These steps are tested on OpenWrt 21.02 in 2022. These steps were tested on a BT HomeHub 5 which was modified to run OpenWrt. These devices come with 128MB of storage – enough for OpenWrt and software, but not really enough for hosting file shares. Picking a USB Storage Device Most routers running OpenWrt will not be able to supply enough power to spin a mechanical hard disk. Avoid portable hard … Read more