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LibreNMS: What is it and how does it work?


This article covers the LibreNMS network monitoring tool, from installation and configuration to features and usage. Introduction to LibreNMS LibreNMS is a powerful open-source network monitoring solution that can be used to monitor devices and services on your network. It offers a wide range of features, including support for a variety of protocols, performance monitoring, alerts, and more. LibreNMS is easy to install and configure, and it can be used on a variety of platforms. In this guide, we will cover the basics of LibreNMS, … Read more

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Bash Split String (+ Shell Scripts)

Bash Split String

This article will show you how to split a string at a given delimiter in Bash/Shell scripts and show some examples. Splitting strings is a handy function to have available when crafting your scripts. CSV (Comma Separated Values) is a common format in which data is made available online, where data fields in a table are separated by (surprise) commas. You may also simply be looking to split a sentence into words at the spaces, or split paragraphs into sentences at the period, and so … Read more

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Use wc to Count the Characters/Words/Lines [Linux/Bash]

Bash wc command count words

The wc program can be used in Bash scripts and from the Linux command line to count the number of bytes, characters, words, or lines in a file. Here’s how to use it, with examples. wc Program Syntax The syntax for the wc command is as follows: wc OPTIONS FILE Note that: OPTIONS should be provided from the below table of available options FILE is the path to the file which will have the contents counted More than one file can be specified If more than one file is specified, the total … Read more

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How to Use the Bash echo Command, With Examples

How to use the echo command in Bash

The Bash echo command serves a simple purpose – it outputs (echos) text. Here’s how to use it, with examples. echo Command Syntax The echo command is very simple and has the following syntax: echo OPTIONS TEXT Note that: OPTIONS should be one of the following options -n Do not output a trailing newline -e Enable interpretation of backslash escapes This means that escape characters can be used to insert special characters into the output \\ backslash \a alert (BEL) \b backspace \c produce no further output \e escape \f form feed \n new line \r carriage return \t horizontal tab \v vertical … Read more

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How to Use while Loops in Bash/Shell Scripts [Examples]

Bash while Loops

This article will show you how to use while loops in Bash/Shell scripts, and provides some code examples. Bash scripts let you automate tasks in the linux shell. Often, you’ll want to repeat a task for a set of data or repeated user input – that’s what while loops are for – they let you loop or iterate over a sequence of data or input, making it easy to build scripts that repeat a set of actions. The while loop syntax demonstrated below will also work for the Zsh shell and … Read more

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GB Studio Linux Mini Review + Screenshots

GB Studio Linux screenshots mini review

GB Studio is an easy to use game development tool that lets you make make games in a simple drag-and-drop interface.  Here’s a short review including screenshots of GB Studio running in Linux. In this article, I’ve taken some screenshots and made some notes as I installed and got up and running with GB Studio – it serves as a quick guide/review so you know what to expect if you decide to check it out. What is GB Studio? GB Studio is probably one of … Read more

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How to Use the Bash case Statement, With Examples

How to Use Bash case Statements

The case statement is used to choose which code to execute based on the value of a variable or expression. Here is how to use it in your Bash scripts. What Does the case Statement Do? The case statement is a convenient alternative to using multiple if/if else statements when you are deciding what action to take based on the value of a variable or expression. For example, if you have a variable called weekday, you can executed different code based on which day of the week is named in the variable, … Read more

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Pop!_OS on the Raspberry Pi [Review]

Pop!_OS Raspberry Pi Review

Pop!_OS has made it to the Raspberry Pi.  This Linux distribution has become quite popular over the last few years – so how does it perform on the tiny single board computer? Read on to find out. Pop!_OS is a relatively new distribution which aims to provide an out-of-the-box Linux experience appropriate for STEM, creativity, gaming, and general use.  It largely succeeds at all of these (and I’ve used it for various projects), so I am interested to see how it performs on a Raspberry … Read more

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Linux Tip: Travel Securely with an Encrypted Linux USB Stick

Linux travel USB install

Travel is back. Do you have a plan for what happens if your laptop, with your passwords and banking details and secret projects gets stolen? Read on for a nifty way to mitigate the inconvenience of a lost laptop. Taking Your Laptop on Holiday I often take my laptop on holiday. I really shouldn’t, but sometimes you want to take a break from trekking through cobblestone streets or sitting by the pool. For me, this usually means tinkering away on some kind of code project, … Read more

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LinuxScrew’s Linux Shell/Bash Scripting Tips

Bash script hot tips

Here are some handy tips to keep in mind when writing your shell scripts in Linux. Shell scripts are a versatile way to automate your workflows in Linux (and MacOS, and now Windows, with the Windows Subsystem for Linux). Shell scripting syntax and behaviour does have its quirks, and there are useful shortcuts you can take as well to simplify your scripts. Bash Scripting Tips These tips are collected from around the internet, with a few of my own thrown in. Bash scripts will keep … Read more