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How to Install Ubuntu MATE 2020.10 on a Raspberry Pi (With Screenshots)

How to Install Ubuntu MATE 2020.10 on a Raspberry Pi

Ubuntu is (arguably) the most popular Linux distribution. Ubuntu MATE is a great, performance-conscious, lightweight Ubuntu-based distribution that is perfect for low-cost platforms like the Raspberry Pi where you may want to forgo some of the bells and whistles for better performance. If you’re just getting started learning Linux and programming you may not want to risk trying things out on your day-to-day computer (you might be worried about breaking it for work or school), a Raspberry Pi is a great way to experiment with … Read more

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Debian: How to Add a User to Sudoers

Debian How to Add a User to Sudoers 1

In the Filesystem Hierarchy Standard used by Linux operating systems, all files and directories appear under the root directory “/” but access to it is often restricted for security reasons. In Linux distributions like Debian, you can gain full access from the SSH by using the “sudo” command. This tutorial explains how to add a user to Sudoers so that the user is permitted to run the sudo command. Logging in as a superuser or root user enables you to make system-wide modifications. “sudo” can … Read more

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Install nfdump and nfsen netflow tools in Linux

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Using nfsen it is possible to view IP traffic statistics on Linux interfaces including the graphs showing data sent and received (see the screenshot to the right) as well as historical information about all data transfers. So after you’ve configured nfsen and nfdump to monitor traffic on certain Linux server or router you’ll be able to answer the following example questions: What IP was downloading data through 48161 last Wednesday? or How many bytes were sent to IP via 53 port from Linux server? … Read more

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How to assign range of IP addresses in Linux?

As we know Linux allows to assign almost unlimited number of IP addresses to its interfaces. Such additional IPs applied to the same NIC are known as secondary IP addresses or just secondaries. Some time ago i faced a problem on how to apply about 500 IP addresses to one Linux box and then ensure that all of them get online after Linux reboots. There are several ways to accomplish this taks so i would like to share them all. Shell script with ifconfig commands … Read more

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How to monitor traffic at Cisco router using Linux (Netflow)

Cisco (featured logo)

By default Cisco IOS doesn’t provide any traffic monitoring tools like iftop or iptraff available in Linux. While there are lots of proprietary solutions for this purpose including Cisco Netflow Collection, you are free to choose nfdump and nfsen open source software to monitor traffic of one or many Cisco routers and get detailed monitoring data through your Linux command line or as graphs at absolutely no cost. Below is beginner’s guide that helps to quickly deploy netflow collector and visualizer under Linux and impress … Read more

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The easiest way to split and merge pdf files in Ubuntu

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The easiest way to split, merge or edit pdf files in Ubuntu is to use pdftk utility. This rather old (latest version was released in 2006) but still simple and powerful program can be installed in Ubuntu (Debian or any deb-family Linux distribution) by the following command in terminal: sudo aptitude install pdftk (if you run Fedora, RedHat or CentOS use this one: sudo yum install pdftk) Split large pdf into many one-page files: pdftk largepdfile.pdf burst (as the result you will get many small … Read more

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Split huge files in Ubuntu or any other Linux distro

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Recently I’ve bought WD TV media player for streaming full HD movies (primarily in 1080p resolution) to my home TV from external storage like usb HDD or ipod classic. You might already know that size of average HD movie rip is more than 4GB (e.g. full HD Avatar movie image is literally 21 GB mkv file) so it’s just impossible to store such huge files on any FAT32 formatted HDD or ipod. My ipod classic 160 GB is windows formatted so it uses FAT32 filesystem … Read more

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Install Windows after Ubuntu Lucid Lynx

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Sh*t happens. There is no more applications to manage my 6th generation iPod Classic 160 GB under Linux/Ubuntu. I have to install Windows as the second operating system along with newly installed Ubuntu Lucid Lynx (it rocks but this is for another post) to run iTunes. For rather long time I’ve been using gtkpod, amarok, banshee, exaile or rhythmbox to sync my ipod under Linux/Ubuntu and load my music collection there. As we all know The Elder Brother Apple fights with interoperability and makes ipod/iphone users … Read more

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Fastest way to create ramdisk in Ubuntu/Linux

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I hope many of you will agree that sometimes it’s really good idea to have some small amount of RAM mounted as a filesystem. It may be necessary when running some bash or perl script that handles, say, thousands of small files so it’s much more effective not to waste computer resources on reading/writing data on hard disk but keep those files directly in memory. This idea is known as Virtual RAM Drive or ramdisk and can be setup in Ubuntu or almost any other … Read more

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Mount remote filesystem via ssh protocol using sshfs and fuse [Fedora/RedHat/Debian/Ubuntu way]

Imagine the following situation: you have to compile some Linux/Unix application or kernel module that requires kernel source present at your hard drive, say, in /usr/src/kernels/kernel-2.6.21-i386/ or elsewhere. But there is not enough disk space to copy these sources or install kernel-devel or linux-source packages (in Fedora/RedHat or Ubuntu/Debian distros respectively)… Sounds familiar? Believe me, sometimes it happens 🙂 As a solution you can mount the directory of some remote PC that contains needed kernel source. It can be done via several protocols like smb, … Read more